Lilian Fu / Animating subjective facts: The reasons and methodologies of exploiting animation in documentaries.(Part 3)

Lilian Fu / Animating subjective facts: The reasons and methodologies of exploiting animation in documentaries.(Part 3)

written by Lilian Fu 2013 ** this version is slightly amended for internet publication. Various reasons and methodologies in animation documentary CASE STUDIES Silence (1998/Sylvie Bringas and Orly Yadin) Silence has an alternative approach as a documentary which narrates a damaged orphan’s childhood against the background of the Holocaust during Second World War. It proposes comprehensive strategies […]

Lilian Fu / Animating subjective facts: The reasons and methodologies of exploiting animation in documentaries.(Part 2)

Lilian Fu / Animating subjective facts: The reasons and methodologies of exploiting animation in documentaries.(Part 2)

written by Lilian Fu 2013 ** this version is slightly amended for internet publication. Various reasons and methodologies in animation documentary CASE STUDIES Animation is an art, a stance, a record of psychological and emotional memory, a technique, a concept. ~ Paul Well (1) Animation, like paintings and drawings, was once conceived as a pale representation of […]

Lilian Fu / Animating subjective facts: The reasons and methodologies of exploiting animation in documentaries.(Part 1)

Lilian Fu / Animating subjective facts: The reasons and methodologies of exploiting animation in documentaries.(Part 1)

written by Lilian Fu 2013 **This article is originated from parts of my MA degree graduation dissertation. A general exploration of documentary theories In recent years, the border between documentary and fiction films has been growing more difficult to be distinguished. Suggested by Linda Williams, the new definition of documentary films is no longer focused […]

Evans Chan’s ‘Two or Three Things about Kang Youwei’ 康有為二三事 (2012) & ‘Bauhinia’ 紫荊 (2002)

Evans Chan’s ‘Two or Three Things about Kang Youwei’ 康有為二三事 (2012) & ‘Bauhinia’ 紫荊 (2002)

Press Screening: Friday, 7:00pm, April 13, 2012 @ Floating Projects Collective / 放映後設有酒會。 Press Screenings of 2 works by director Evans Chan 陳耀成 《紫荊》Bauhinia (2002) Hong Kong, color, drama, in Chinese and English, with English and Chinese subtitles. 50 min. Commissioned by RTHK/香港電臺電視台邀約作品 (*Hong Kong premiere香港首映)  紐約2001 年。一位洋名為「紫荊」(李珺)的香港女留學生,正製作一部有關中國一子政策的記錄片。9/11恐怖襲擊突然發生,她剪接室的窗下是巳夷為平地的世貿中心。而她剛有了身孕…夏威夷電影節的Christopher Claxton 形容此片「泯滅了虛構與記實,創造出一個同時魘着片中人及觀眾的時空,令這不加渲染的9/11後的紐約更貼近人的生存的困境」。 In the aftermath of September 11, […]

Documentary Animation ‘Ever-changing Monument’ by Lilian Fu

Documentary Animation ‘Ever-changing Monument’ by Lilian Fu

傅詠欣 Lilian Fu’s latest work Ever-changing Monument is a documentary animation funded by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (ADC).     Public Screening: November 26, 2011 7:00p.m. at FPC ****** Ever-changing Monument   7 minutes / 2011 / Hong Kong/United Kingdom A work of animated documentary by Lilian Fu 傅詠欣 In this project, I […]

Linda Lai / The Signature of Documentary – thoughts from Open City London Documentary Festival 2011

Linda Lai / The Signature of Documentary – thoughts from Open City London Documentary Festival 2011

To Linda C.H. LAI, documentary is a total event that cannot be fully considered without taking into account the intention of the maker, relation between the maker and the documented, the use of the work in its life-span of distribution and circulation, the conversations it invokes, and ...

YIP Kai-chun /《慾望號快車》 — 餘韻的意義 “Crash” – The Meaning of the Aftertaste

YIP Kai-chun /《慾望號快車》 — 餘韻的意義 “Crash” – The Meaning of the Aftertaste

 – 葉啟俊YIP Kai-chun 平日在家看影碟,每隔廿分鐘就忍不住按停,喝水查電郵去廁所,其實都是耐性貧乏的徵狀。年多前看《慾望號快車》時便是如此,每隔三分鐘就停一停。看完過後 ,有「終於看完了」的快慰解脫。是看完爛/悶片的感覺。

Lilian Fu / ‘The Street of Crocodiles’ and its enigma

Lilian Fu / ‘The Street of Crocodiles’ and its enigma

– Lilian Fu Inspired by Czech animator Jan Švankmajer and other absurdist artists like Kafka and Bruno Schulz, the Brothers Quay has a long lineage with surrealism and the use of puppet stop-motion. The duet remains two of the unsurpassed animators in the world for its original vision and techniques. You would not find it easy […]

Wendy Tai / Current… 戴煥婷的《流》

Wendy Tai / Current… 戴煥婷的《流》

– Wendy TAI Current opens on July 31 at FPC. Opening reception begins 6:00pm Exhibition period: 31.07-15.08.2010 #1 The gallery floor is covered in charcoal portraits. The portraits are drawn from a bird’s eye view, as if looking down at a mass of mingling people from above. It could be you. We are socially conditioned […]

Edwin Lo / 十二聲度的 “Weiwei…Vito” 輕柔呼喚喚出了甚麼合作?

Edwin Lo / 十二聲度的 “Weiwei…Vito” 輕柔呼喚喚出了甚麼合作?

– Edwin Lo “Acconci Studio and Ai Weiwei: A Collaborative Project” 8 May – 4 July, 2010 // Para/Site Art Space, Hong Kong Para/Site 藝術空間近年來一直專注於引入海外藝術家來香港展出作品。剛剛在藝術空間展出完畢的,是兩位甚具份量的當代藝術家艾未未(中國)和Vito Acconci(美國)。 兩位本來已屬重量級的當代藝術人物, 又是有名的建築家,這次同臨香港, 更開宗名義的以 “ Ai Wei Wei + Vito Acconci Studio: A Collaborative Project”為前題進行對話式的展覽。明顯的是, “collaborative” 是一個關鍵詞; 但是這一次展覽如他們在Para/Site和Asia Art Archive協辦的簡報一樣,「合作」這方面是令人相當失望的。 這一次展覽的創作方針是在展覽期內定期將作品放置於已劃分好的方格之中; 不斷加入展品, 意味著展覽一直在變化著。最後, 我們看到這次展覽的結果是: 三個電視播放著藝術家的視頻對話,兩件模型及盛載兩個模型的包裝,一組四張由 Vito Acconci Studio 負責撰寫, 配上虛擬影像的文案,一百二十多幅照片( […]

Floating Projects Collective 2024