
Searching for tag: michael-leung

FP at BOOKED 24: digging treasures from the past, creating tracks for the future 大館書展2024作據點:挖寶、於當下立竿、為前路畫線
FP Assemblage 2023 (1) Michael's typewriter: black ribbon red ribbon「聚疊」既遠即近:梁志剛的紅絲黑絲連線

FP Assemblage 2023 (1) Michael's typewriter: black ribbon red ribbon「聚疊」既遠即近:梁志剛的紅絲黑絲連線

The typing sound of a manual type-writer strikes a record of an on-going Assemblage performance, while providing an audible rudiment of an improvizational event. Michael Leung intervenes.

D-Normal/V-Essay, States of the ART(ist), Ars Electronica, open articulation

D-Normal/V-Essay, States of the ART(ist), Ars Electronica, open articulation

Issues 1-4 of D-Normal/Video-Essay, FP’s online video zine, #1-4 is one of 11 Winners at Ars Electronica’s new initiative “State of the ART(ist)” (2022) dedicated to issues of urgency, from 357 submissions from 40 countries. Four issues of an online video zine, 90 works from 200 submissions worldwide, gathered portraits of survival, existential crises and yearnings for […]

Assemblage as Assembly「石硤尾聚疊」2022:聚集、共融

Assemblage as Assembly「石硤尾聚疊」2022:聚集、共融

熱身後的「聚疊」有了新的呼吸,5月20日晚上現場。梁志剛角度。 FPC member Michael Leung breathes with his first trial of SKM Assemblage on 20 May … Disparate geographic locations connect through loose thoughts… Assemblage growing …

Michael Leung / Hardened and Standing Together 日子變艱難,越站在一起

Michael Leung / Hardened and Standing Together 日子變艱難,越站在一起

隨著一個月的《相遇於小誌小文學》,橫洲的居民和居所渡過了最終的清拆,土地正式地劃歸地產商的發展。展覽上有餘音,梁志剛將在「據點。句點」延續駐場直至4月14日。As “Publishing (To Find Each Other)” carried on in the month of March, Wang Chau village in Yuen Long was through its final phase of total demolition to make way for real estate developers. Many unfinished texts (writings and videos) to cover… Michael Leung’s residency at Floating Projects will take two more weeks to round up until 14 April 2021.

Michael Leung / “Where We Meet” on-site video 3 of 4 我們相遇之處 (駐場錄像四之三)

Michael Leung / “Where We Meet” on-site video 3 of 4 我們相遇之處 (駐場錄像四之三)

街坊排檔 Kai Fong Pai Dong, a neighbourhood street market stall in Yau Ma Tei, emerged around November 2019 during the 17th Hong Kong Social Movement Film Festival. It was a place where once a helicopter hovered over a post-film discussion, members of the community told stories to each other, mutual help enacted via public-space farming… It is an assemblage of site-specific emancipatory politics.

Tokyo Doughnut, Audiobook read by Michael Leung 東京甜甜圈

Tokyo Doughnut, Audiobook read by Michael Leung 東京甜甜圈

Michael Leung continues to introduce the variations of his zine-making — fiction as .an audio book. 梁志剛繼續展示他的小誌創作的不同媒體變奏 — 這回是一個原以有聲讀物現身的短編故事。

Michael Leung / “Solidarity with Aarey” on site (video 2 of 4) 印度阿雷的盟友團結(駐場錄像四之二)

Michael Leung / “Solidarity with Aarey” on site (video 2 of 4) 印度阿雷的盟友團結(駐場錄像四之二)

Aarey Forest is a rich urban forest which is within the eco sensitive zone of Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP). It is classified as mixed moist deciduous type forest. Leung’s video was shot in May 2018, at the time local people were experiencing deforestation by a new metro line and metro carriage depot.

Michael Leung / Drawing Paths Between 勾畫軌道,留住線索

Michael Leung / Drawing Paths Between 勾畫軌道,留住線索

The thickness of the present grows as a writer goes back to the past — to question the protagonists of a situation from the point of view of what they could have done and what they may become capable of. Michael Leung takes off describing how he no longer calls himself a beekeeper as multi-species solidarity becomes growingly important to him.

Michael Leung / “Bishan Village May 2015” on site (video 1 of 4) 五月碧山村(駐場錄像四之一)
Floating Projects Collective 2024