
Searching for tag: lindalai-teachingarchive

FP at BOOKED 24: digging treasures from the past, creating tracks for the future 大館書展2024作據點:挖寶、於當下立竿、為前路畫線
24 videographers / 29 Micro Narratives: Objectiles of Forms of Living, the "I" at work |29個微敘事:「我」,存活的體態步步延伸

24 videographers / 29 Micro Narratives: Objectiles of Forms of Living, the "I" at work |29個微敘事:「我」,存活的體態步步延伸

On 21 December 2022, 24 videographers from the Micro Narrative Laboratory presented 29 short pieces of videography enacting their presence... Varied voices. Contrasting disposition. A broad range of artistic and media resources… The works will stay on-site at Floating Projects on FOUR parallel screens 24-31 December.

Linda Lai / Emotions, Magic, Tool-being, Assemblage: Performative Videography, Micro Narratives 2022 寫情緒。玩戲法。工具在,我在。聚疊。2022微敘事選輯。抒演性錄像書寫
“Miss Dong Quartet: Miss Tung” 董小姐 –> 彤小姐。

“Miss Dong Quartet: Miss Tung” 董小姐 –> 彤小姐。

“Field notes” series (2022) Look at That Picture begins with graduate researcher Tse Lam-hei’s close study of a drawing by local artist Ho Sin-tung, which Tse turns into a found archaeological object, tackled with rich descriptions. 研究員筆記「定睛看」系列的首篇。謝琳禧鑽進本地藝術家何倩彤的一張手繪,用考古的態度、方法,和精細調理歷史的精神,把何的圖像層層剝開。

FPC / Micro Narratives 2021 “Layered Vision” 「微敘事」系列2021 《層層看》
Linda Lai / Code Name “Micro Narratives”: initiations into our Manifestos 行動代號「微敘事」。宣言的啟動。
Linda Lai / Curiosity of a young mind from 1999

Linda Lai / Curiosity of a young mind from 1999

/ Linda Lai I have been spending quite a bit of time digging up hidden waste to turn them into treasures for the Floating Projects — from my home, from my office, from my work studio… Happy to see the circulation of furniture and books and re-purposing of things accumulated through time. Last week, I […]

Floating Projects Collective 2024