
Searching for tag: floating-projects-collective

FPC members, Wong Chun-hoi / 計劃聚集記錄 Record of ensemble-plan

FPC members, Wong Chun-hoi / 計劃聚集記錄 Record of ensemble-plan

《計劃聚集》為「據點。句點」的原生遊戲系列《黃竹坑聚疊》。句點藝術群體會在區內拾遺,不加思索地處理著現成物料,推斷著現成/被棄物的物理性,可衍生的下一步,聚疊遊戲後又衍生即興演出《據點空間壓力測試》系列。是次據點聚疊這空間「變形蟲」外遊來到了台北的非常廟藝文空間。王鎮海作了詳盡的記述。Wong Chun-hoi, FP’s Artistic Engineer, keeps a dense record of the process of staging FP’s Assemblage game in a gallery in Taipei.

FPC members / 《吹脹.影像》繼續吹 “Expænsive Cinema”, keep blowing, keep expanding

FPC members / 《吹脹.影像》繼續吹 “Expænsive Cinema”, keep blowing, keep expanding

9 FPC artists stretch the possibilities of the moving image — the projecting apparatus, the projected image, the moving and projecting processes, projected surfaces, how and where… 九位「據點。句點」藝術家心目中的活動影像的膨脹性、膨脹度是怎樣的?他們多方對策:投影的器具、所投的影像何來、成像的過程、展示影像的「面」…

Linda Lai / Minor histories… the poetic and the discursive / preview notes #5 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

Linda Lai / Minor histories… the poetic and the discursive / preview notes #5 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

  – Linda C.H. Lai Voices Seen, Images Heard (2009), which will be shown for the first time in Hong Kong, tonight at FPC’s inauguration, has been shown in two different festivals in April, 2010. I have been most enlightened by the various ways audience, critics and curators communicated back to me about my work. […]

Jolene Mok / “Pianovel” – learning to learn and how I learned / preview notes #4 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

Jolene Mok / “Pianovel” – learning to learn and how I learned / preview notes #4 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

發表於: 20 May 2010

Jolene Mok What to learn? What not to learn? We have to learn how to learn. What if we don’t want to learn but, still, we have to learn? Do we learn if we don’t want to learn?

CHEUNG Yu-tsz / It’s dinner time — family matters before the dinner table / preview notes #3 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

CHEUNG Yu-tsz / It’s dinner time — family matters before the dinner table / preview notes #3 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

In 喫飯啦 ﹣餐桌前的家, Cheung Yu-tsz searches through his childhood memories. Besides roaming around with her buddy friends, she finds dinner with her family leaving the strongest impressions. ...

Lilian Fu / Remembering, Recollecting, Animating, Enlivening… – preview notes #2 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

Lilian Fu / Remembering, Recollecting, Animating, Enlivening… – preview notes #2 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

"Imagining My Grandmother”  (Lilian Fu / 2010 / video-animation) 記起、回顧、賦形、喚生… To Lilian Fu , in many ways, animation and recollection have strong affinities and may form the most interesting assemblages.

Floating Projects Collective 2024