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On Documentary Impulse: the desire to encounter the real through making records (2) 記述的衝動:長路漫漫(二)

On Documentary Impulse: the desire to encounter the real through making records (2) 記述的衝動:長路漫漫(二)

In part 2 of her discussion on documentary impulse, Linda Lai keys in on “there-ness” as a specific form of desire manifested in image-making in French cinema between the two world wars. With additional historical examples, she contemplates moving image’s integrity in connecting and re-inventing our experiences as technics.「記述的衝動」的下半部,黎肖嫻專注於電影記述、保存、調解和開創現實的「他在」的個性,尤其以法國二次大戰期間的電影實存和理論發展,和紀錄片的被命名為特殊的歷史個案,再談到活動影像作為連結經驗的獨有的內部技術。

On Documentary Impulse: the desire to encounter the real through making records (1) 記述的衝動:長路漫漫(一)

On Documentary Impulse: the desire to encounter the real through making records (1) 記述的衝動:長路漫漫(一)

First of 2 parts of Linda Lai’s Epilog for Our Manifestos II (2021) reproduced in Floating Teatime. Our desire to remember, preserve, transmit and retrieve drives the continuous innovation of technics, i.e. tools that embody and advance our perceptual experiences. Videography is a unique form of mnemotechnics. 記述的衝動超越了既成特定類型的「紀錄片」有更廣闊的空間。「紀錄」的初衷是《我們的錄像宣言2》(2021)的跋的主題,將分兩次於「據點一杯茶」轉載。第一部份,黎肖嫻引述不同不同的藝文創作為實例,指出我們要記住、保存、傳遞開去的衝動,推動著工藝技術的發展,打開了我們對「經驗」的重塑的新可能。

Linda Lai / Critical Spectacles & Wandering Visions: videographic experiments as micro-narratives 凝神、界外:實驗錄像書寫作為微敘述

Linda Lai / Critical Spectacles & Wandering Visions: videographic experiments as micro-narratives 凝神、界外:實驗錄像書寫作為微敘述

“Critical Spectacles & Wandering Visions: videographic experiments as micro-narratives / Linda Lai 凝神、界外:實驗錄像書寫作為微敘述 / 黎肖嫻 [This essay adapts from, and expands on, a curatorial statement I wrote for a 1-hour program on experimental videography for the EXiM 2015 (Experimental Film & Video Festival in Macau), themed “香港實驗影像活動 Hong Kong Experimental Video Festival in Macao.” It is […]

Floating Projects Collective 2024