GRAND OPENING 02 (22-23 Aug 2015) -- journeys of food, London, Hong Kong... + Moving Moving-image
GRAND OPENING 01 (8.15-16): Pure Seeing ... Magic!!! / a 2-day marathon of moving images 純看.凝神.魔法.
WCH Assemblage #1: Automatism. Repurpose. Regenerate. A starting point. | 黃竹坑聚疊(一):不假思索。「聚」與「疊」
Hong Kong customs and traditions: an evening of video works from CUHK students' visual research
Evans Chan's 'Two or Three Things about Kang Youwei' 康有為二三事 (2012) & 'Bauhinia' 紫荊 (2002)
Lilian Fu's Documentary Animation 'Ever-changing Monument'
Fung Moon Kee: making you mine 小號大造馮滿記
Pianovel: I play the piano to play you a song / an ADC funded project by Jolene Mok
The Squatting Urchins, Terrence Chan living through...
Wendy Tai's site-specific solo to conclude with a critique session: "Current" 戴煥婷個展《流》
Floating Projects Collective 2024